The business of churches



I sincerely appreciate Mark Golaway’s kind words last week. [ESI April 3]

In the interest of public education I submit:

The Apostle Paul had at his disposal nearly 17 Greek words that would have adequately described homosexuality, but instead Paul invented the word, “Arsenokoitai” from “arsenos” and “koiten,” male and bed. By using an invented word the meaning is something besides homosexuality or he would have used one of the more familiar Greek words. 

In the Greek Septuagint the words “arsenos” and “koiten” in Leviticus 20:13 refers to temple prostitution and ritual sex – a far cry from anything having to do with homosexuality. There is zero evidence that anyone used “arsenokoitai” to refer to homosexuals in the ancient world.

In Matthew 19:12, Jesus speaks of eunuchs and rather oddly makes the claim that “some are born that way.” We know that in the ancient world effeminate men were often referred to as eunuchs whether or not they were missing certain parts. So Jesus does mention homosexuality. If it were a major issue in the ancient world, why doesn’t Jesus talk about it more? 

Mark and I both served in Iraq where homosexuals are executed by stoning or being thrown from rooftops. In our own country the suicide rate amongst gay teens is much higher than the rest of the population – I just lost a dear friend to suicide because he suffered years of being told he was an abomination because people misread their bibles. 

I think Mark and I agree that churches need to get out of the business of condemnation and judgment and focus on the business of the Kingdom – loving one another just as God loves us.  

Blake Lasater