That guy for president!


Trump is nothing if not single-minded. In his address to the United Nations on Sept. 24, it seems the larger part of his comments to world leaders were a code address to his base with 2020 in mind. The words written for our president were delivered from a teleprompter in such a lackluster monotone one wondered if he was being forced to speak them.

Then he read this: “Our nation’s founders understood that there will always be those who believe they are entitled to wield power and control over others. Tyranny advances in many names and many theories but it always comes down to the desire for domination. It protects, not the interests of many, but the privilege of few. Our founders … chose to entrust American power to those most invested in the fate of our nation, a proud and fiercely independent people. Our citizens who are rooted in its history, who are nourished by its culture, committed to its values, attached to its people and who know that its future is theirs to build or theirs to lose.

“So, to all the leaders here today, join us in the most fulfilling mission a person could have, the most profound contribution anyone can make. Lift up your nations, cherish your culture, honor your histories, treasure your citizens, make your countries strong and prosperous and righteous, honor the dignity of your people – and nothing will be outside of your reach. … With God’s help, together we will cast off the enemies of liberty and overcome the oppressors of dignity. We will set new standards of living and reach new heights of human achievement. We will rediscover old truths unravel old mysteries and make thrilling new breakthroughs; and we will find more beautiful friendship and more harmony among nations than ever before. … The path to peace and progress lies in freedom and justice, and a better world for all humanity begins at home.”

All said, it was a good speech had it been for real. If we weren’t on the path to tyranny led by one who wants only to dominate, if power actually were entrusted to we who are invested in the fate of our nation, if our president really was rooted in the American history he doesn’t seem to know much about, if he really was nourished by our diverse culture instead of opposing it, if he really did protect the interests of all instead of only his devotees and corrupt lackeys … perhaps then those words he read would mean something to those fast losing hope for our country’s future.

Meanwhile, whoever did believe those words fiercely enough to write that speech, or whoever would see them through … I say, that person for president in 2020!
