Thanks from the border



I am in receipt of a nice letter from the Lawyers for Good Government Foundation for whom I, and many kind people in Eureka Springs, raised money for volunteer lawyers to travel and work at the detention centers and refugee camps at our southern border.          

“At Lawyers for Good Government, we believe that immigrants crossing the border should be able to exercise their rights and they should be treated humanely… It is your steadfast support that has allowed us to respond rapidly and nimbly to the evolving needs at the border. As you know, there is no end in sight for this immigration crisis.

“We are standing strong against the assaults on the rule of law, common decency, and the values we hold dear as Americans.

“Thank you so much.” 

Traci Feit Love, president and executive director, L4GG.

If you wish to support Project Corazon’s 501 (C)3 tax-exempt, organization:10685-B Hazelhurst Drive, Ste. 19646, Houston, Texas 77043.

Thank you, Eurekans.

Trella Laughlin