Test it. Stop it.



It’s crappy that a mass-feeding confinement factory like C&H Farms is operating on the Buffalo River National Park watershed.

C&H is part of a larger international corporate network that controls the whole process from the pigs to the packaging.  Factory hog operations foul our resources of land and water. They take our dollars when we dine on swine that comes from their industrialized hog factories.

In return they leave us pig s…,  some of it is used to fertilize crops, (yuck) but much of it is left behind to defile and pollute.

Imaging tests done by Oklahoma State University have revealed that the C&H factory more than likely has pig poo entering the groundwater. The research team tasked with ensuring the Buffalo River is not degraded by hog feces hopes that it is not sewage. They have declined to dig test wells to even find out!

4th of July. Barbecues and boats. Ozark flora ablaze in star-spangled glory! Parading veterans and children alight the streets.

Pig poo in the Buffalo National River watershed.

People in cities pay big bucks for small family farm humanely raised and killed meat. I mean big bucks more. Calling [for] entrepreneurs and local and state government support.

Red tape for small operations but green flags for international poo-plant-pork-plate corporate monopoly butcheries is not that American.

Susan Pang

Garfield, Arkansas