Taking a look at city candidates


Not every candidate for city office responded to a thumbnail reason for running, but those who did were encouraged to write why they want to serve the citizens of Eureka Springs. 

Mayor Robert “Butch” Berry

Having served two terms as mayor, I understand how municipal government and its complicated financial systems work. The most comprehensive experience was navigating through Covid. That put me and my administration through an unprecedented test of leadership to live up to our oath to preserve and protect the city and the citizens of Eureka Springs. We had both a health crisis and an economic crisis to deal with. I’m proud to say we have come through it stronger than ever.

My service on the Arkansas Municipal League Executive Committee is important for building relationships and opportunities throughout the state and for keeping on top of state law.

My priorities continue to be infrastructure improvements, improving water and sewer, possible annexation for continued growth, solid financial management of the taxpayer dollars, increasing reserves, open communication, transparency and expanding our hospital.

A pressing need will always be infrastructure and finding ways to fund those major projects. Affordable housing–both rental and ownership–and expanding water and sewer are needs. We continue to aggressively seek grants and build our reserves to fund major projects. Housing is being addressed through an independent nonprofit. Water and sewer are ongoing works in progress.

(Berry’s contact info is on the city’s website, cityofeurekasprings.us.)

Mayor Candidate Brandon Cox, managing partner, Le Stick Nouveau

In the early nineties the forest outside Burns, Ore., was engulfed in fire. My first fire. On day one our crew was rescued from certain death by helicopter. Day two I was the 19th man in line. Someone I barely knew was 20th. We crested a hill sprinting to a safety zone to be rescued once again and were met with a roaring three-hundred-foot-tall wall of flame. I looked back to the last man, #20. He threw his hoedad and backpack aside and ran into the blaze our squad was running from. None of the team could hear me yell over the ungodly sound of the inferno. I had a choice to make.

Eureka Springs, my family’s home, my friends’ home, is in very concerning trouble on many fronts. We all have much work to do. For the immediate pressing time we must treat Eureka Springs like a business on the brink. We must seek, chase and pursue tourists, both near and far, who support our #1 industry. We must give them new reasons to come here while nurturing the existing reasons. We must take care of the city employees, ALL of them, who take care of us.

#20 made it home. Today is akin to my second day in Burns as I throw my hat into this mayoral race. I’ve made my choice. I hope you’ll join me. Cox can be reached at BCox4Mayor@proton.me.

Former Mayor Beau Zar Satori

After serving on our city council in 1979 and 1980, I spent the next eighteen years endeavoring to guide our city government az a private cityzen. I know the frustration of trying to share pertinent information in three minutes of free speech at every meeting. After being elected Mayor in 1998, my agenda waz the same ‘to-do’ list that I had been pursuing in 1980.

In 1999, we passed a $5 million bond issue to finance the construction of our new wastewater treatment plant. We built Leatherwood Fields. We passed, by ballot, a $500,000 bond to stabilize Leatherwood Dam. We purchased the corner property at the top of Planer Hill and received $350,000 in grants to build the sidewalk up Arsenic Spring Street. We spent two years working with the state to replace all of Main Street. We went to Wash DC and received a $250,000 National Trust grant which we matched to infuse $500,000 into restoration of our City Auditorium. We built an ‘in house’ advertising and special events staff for our new City A&P offices. We refurbished our Christmas lighting on all our buildings on Main and Spring Streets and tripled our decorations. Over the past 20 years, I have compiled a new agenda for the future of Eureka Springs.

Ward One, Position One, Autumn Slane

My knowledge of government has continued to grow after being elected for City Council in 2020. If re-elected, I will continue to learn of our rules and regulations and do my best to maintain such organization and laws. I moved to Eureka Springs and have maintained a residence in the city limits since 2014. Over the years I have owned and opened three restaurants, a venue and a local pub. I am building our family here and serving our community with a strong knowledge of tourism and a dedicated support to our locals.

I will continue to demand a respectful work environment for city staff and elected officials while demanding the government corruption stop. With my gained knowledge of government, I will maintain an honest open relationship with the public to relay ideas and decisions happening in office. This term I would like to focus on bringing our city up to current times with technology for a transparent future and being able to build out tourism in a way that is respectful of our residents to continue a healthy balanced way of life. I also have goals of infrastructure to be put at the forefront while redefining our budget to stop frivolous spending and cater to our city’s needs.

I can be reached at 918.408.5437 or autumnineureka@gmail.com.

Ward One, Position One, Laura Jo Smole

There were several goals I had not achieved when I stepped down from City Council a year ago for medical treatment. Unfinished goals include pedestrian safety; sidewalks, speed bumps and speed limits all need to be addressed in residential areas, particularly where transected by main roads. Plans should be developed for the immediate and future needs of the city concerning residential growth and development focusing especially on affordable housing and transportation.

I have been employed by the city as the development coordinator and served as the Deputy City Clerk. Following that, I served as the Transit Director. Recently I became involved as a member of the Planning Commission and served one year as Chair prior to winning the 2020 election.

Earlier as a working artist, I owned a gallery on Center Street and later a gift shop. I served as a director of our Chamber of Commerce. These experiences gave me valuable insights into the widely varied points of view of property and business owners and employees.

By working with the city’s commissions, mayoral task forces and laying the foundations for new avenues of communication with citizen groups, the council should be able to hear and meet both citizen and town needs.

I can be reached at 479-278-1474 or laurajo.smole@gmail.com.

Ward Two, Position One, Melissa Greene

The outpouring of support from my constituents, my experience, plus the bright future I see for Eureka Springs convinced me to seek re-election. My qualifications for re-election are many years of experience, my record of fairness, listening and respecting constituents concerns and bringing them to the table, working for solutions, recognizing changes and challenges in the city. I have and will continue to work hard for the city I call home and love. My priorities are housing, economic development, the infrastructure, healthy, prosperous businesses and fiscal responsibility. Housing, starting and implementing cohesive plans for our infrastructure, and the financial responsibility of prosperity that Eureka Springs is now experiencing are my priorities.

I believe in being positive, open minded, and listening to enlisting our citizens and city departments in decision making to work on the needs of our city. In a world that is recovering from a pandemic, experiencing historic inflation, I won’t back down or quit the needs and concerns of the citizens and businesses. 

Ward Two, Position One, Bob Thomas

My qualifications include more than 15 years in public school administration dealing with multi-million-dollar budgets, developing new programs and approaches while managing and improving existing ones. I have more than 30 years of service with a variety of commissions, boards, and non-profit organizations. I served six years on the Eureka Springs City Council and am well-versed in regard to Arkansas Statutes and Municipal Code.

My priorities include always representing the city in a dignified and professional manner; considering the health, safety and welfare of the city’s residents, businesspeople and visitors whenever funding projects; approving new or revising existing ordinances; and managing the city’s finances in a transparent and responsible manner.

I also want to protect and grow our tourism industry. I actively support the various committees and groups working to diversify the city’s economic base and to minimize the city’s housing problems. I encourage the city council and commissions to conduct participatory, interactive workshops whenever appropriate.

Our pressing needs include infrastructure improvements and expansion, economic diversification, and affordable and available housing. The city should maintain a living up-to-date master plan, which includes long-term goals and short-term objectives. This plan should be used to monitor and document the city’s progress. 

I am running because Eureka Springs is our historic treasure, but there is always room for improvement. I want to contribute to and be a part of that process.

Ward Two, Position Two, Bill Ott

I love this community and being of service to Eureka Springs, her citizens, and our visitors…whether it be on the council or in community-wide charitable organizations/projects. I was so honored two years ago when the voters of Eureka Springs put their faith in me and gave me another two-year term on the council.  It is the experience of these two years and the experience of my earlier term on the council in 2003-2004 that add to my qualifications.

I am a “Certified Municipal Official” as earned through the Arkansas Municipal League and have been reappointed to serve for a second term on ARML’s Advisory Council for Economic Development. I have had many years of leadership in various organizations such as Eureka Springs Rotary Club, Greater Eureka Springs Chamber of Commerce, Eureka Springs Tourism Co-op, and the University of Central Arkansas Alumni Association Board of Directors, serving each of these as president. 

I am retired from 45 years in the tourism industry, being honored just this year when I was inducted into the Arkansas Tourism Hall of Fame. A pressing need of our city is to develop a clear-cut, prioritized, five-year plan allowing our council to be proactive rather than reactive.

Ward Two, Position Two, Steve Holifield

I’m running because I believe as a member of this community, I should try to find a way to give back and this is my way of giving back.  I don’t have an agenda, just want to make Eureka Springs the best place to live and work.

I have been on the Historic District Commission for the past several years and I have been the chair and I understand how a meeting is supposed to go to be productive and get the job done.  I have also volunteered in other areas to help out our community and neighbors including Purple Flower (The Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault resource center for Carroll County), Meals on Wheels and in other ways.  I have a master’s degree in Education/Counseling and I retired from a City Agency and have somewhat of an understanding of how a city operates.

Our city needs to move forward in planning for the future and not be put in a position of only reacting to what needs fixed now and we also need to protect what we have so that it remains a good place to live and work. Careful planning and using our money to keep our infrastructure operational now and in the future. 

My phone number is (512) 426-9979 and my email is steve72632@gmail.com