Support our industry


When I was asked to sign the petition about having a “conversation” concerning the CAPC I couldn’t because I live 1/10 mile outside city limits. Since then, I’ve given the “conversation” more thought.

I moved to Eureka Springs from New Orleans 41 years ago with a BS and MA in Education to serve as director and head teacher of Clear Spring School. I knew nothing about tourism and the CAPC.

Over the decades I’ve come to realize that tourism is our industry – not oil wells, ranching, chicken houses, pig farms, big box stores, factories, etc.

If you have parents who support you, or a trust fund, an inheritance, or a nice retirement or are independently rich – in other words, don’t have to work for a living – then you may see tourists who come to enjoy the natural beauty of this town as pesky invaders.

Well kids, they are supporters of our industry without which most of us pilgrims could not remain here because we have to work! We need an income to have a roof, food, and a bed.

Yes, the CAPC has gone through many struggles, poor decisions, bad leadership and mistakes. I challenge truly honest and skilled public servants who want a prosperous Eureka to volunteer their help.

Throwing the baby out because it cries, needs a fresh diaper and wants to eat is not the answer.

The CAPC keeps our tourism industry working, thus we have workers, families, schools, restaurants, stores, medical services and all that make up our community.

Vote No on Issue 3 and encourage the conversation of how to help the CAPC.

How about a city tax on all the services our visitors use to enjoy (we will pay as well) to support the infrastructure of the village we love?

Carol Brown