Summer Saturday on the river, by the river, for the river


The Hoot Fest in support of the White River Waterkeeper was July 20, held on private property along the Little Buffalo River in Newton County. More than 100 people showed up.

The goal of organizers was to provide fun stuff to do – pony rides, games, rock painting and playing in the creek were the big draws for kids, and adults tried horseshoes, corn hole, and painting rocks. Music was provided by the Little Buffalo River Band, The GinSingers and the Muddles

Bill Kopsky with Arkansas Public Policy Panel spoke about the importance of citizen involvement in protecting natural resources, encouraging everyone to reach out to their representatives in Congress and urging us to be more proactive in defending the environment. Steve Blumreich, with Friends of the North Fork and White Rivers, praised the efforts of Jessie Green in her role as White River Waterkeeper. He reminded us of what an asset it is to have someone dedicated to speaking for the river and its tributaries, including the Kings River, Crooked Creek and Buffalo National River.

Pasture-raised pork was grilled to perfection by Tim Eubanks, and while some might find pork an ironic choice, the underlying message was that we don’t have to choose between farming animals for food and enjoying clean, safe waterways. Several craft breweries donated beer and many attendees contributed potluck dishes.

Bringing people together for a worthy cause, and having fun in the process, was so successful there is now talk of putting similar Hoot Fests on at various points along the expansive length of the White River so that other communities can be reminded of what matters most: a quality of life enhanced by the hills and hollows, the green mantle of forests, and the sparkling rivers.

The White River Waterkeeper is a 501©3 non-profit advocating for the White River and its watershed. The Waterkeeper Organization monitors water resources all over the U.S. and internationally, to see that regulations are enforced and the public is kept informed.