Student reading and math numbers up


Public schools in Arkansas used a different provider for standardized tests during the past school year. The new testing process led to some changes in preparation for the tests, but the biggest change will be the time required to receive results.

At Monday evening’s meeting of the Eureka Springs School Board, Middle School Principal Caen Dowell explained that schools used to receive test results in July from tests taken near the end of the school year. Educators will have to wait until September or October for results this year.

Dowell said the school has conducted its own diagnostics to assess student progress, and the numbers have been positive. On average, students have gained a year-and-a-half in reading during the past year, and gains in math were almost as high.

Dowell attributed the results to the “continuing growth” of teachers through professional development. He also credited the high-quality instructional materials in the classroom. A grant for a high-impact tutoring program also helped student achievements. “The teachers worked hard, and the kids worked hard,” Dowell said, as he expressed optimism over the testing.

Elementary Principal Clare Haozous said the school has applied to continue receiving grant funds for the tutoring program. She said students taking part in the tutoring had “significant growth” with the added instructional help.

In other business:

  • As in past years, the board approved a written resolution acknowledging that board member Gayla Wolfinbarger is a part owner of the Inn of the Ozarks, and the school does some business with that organization. If the board considers any business with the Inn, Wolfinbarger will have to recuse from the discussion and the vote.
  • The state added provisions for merit pay bonuses for teachers, and seven teachers in the Eureka Springs district received bonuses averaging $3,300.
  • The Arkansas School Board Association issues regular suggestions to update student handbooks. The board adopted the latest suggestions, including provisions regarding offering distance learning to expelled or suspended students.