Strong women are a force



While we have fixated on Trump’s tweets, and Kellyann Conway’s lies… I mean alternative facts… right here in Arkansas we have a constitutional crisis of our own.

With no public discussion and in less than two months, Republicons passed a law that allows a rapist to sue his victim and her doctor over an abortion. No corresponding law was passed to force the rapist to pay for the child’s existence (food, clothing, housing or education;) but he gets the right to torture his victim again. Of course, similar laws in Oklahoma, Alabama, Kansas and Louisiana have been blocked by the courts, but never mind that; these legislators mean to have their way with women.

I guess I can understand these small men’s fears. Strong women are a force to be reckoned with and Repulicon laws are designed to keep women caged and under control so these men feel less afraid. Taxpayers will pay a financial price to defend this ridiculous law, which like in all the other states, will be struck down by the courts.

The Right seems to hate women and only care for children before they are born. After birth, they seem determined to make the children suffer with poor education, healthcare and little or no food.

Good Luck to us all.

Sheri Hanson