Stand by our name



I have been hearing about the “branding” of Eureka Springs. As I understand it, money is being spent to arrive at a word or phrase that will represent the town of Eureka Springs.  

I have encountered various people in disparate parts of the country who recognized the name Eureka Springs and immediately knew of the community. Had I said I was from “Little Switzerland,” the “Motorcycle Destination” or the “Wedding Capital of Arkansas” I doubt they would have associated it with our town. These are all clever names but, face it, Eureka Springs is too diverse to be saddled with such nonsense.

Rather than spend thousands of dollars trying to come up with a single word or phrase to promote this village spend the money promoting “Eureka Springs.”

There is no other city, town or metropolis in these United States or the world with this unique name. Sell it!

Bill Westerman


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