Spring cleaning



While Arkansas may be branded “the natural state,” the highways around Eureka Springs and toward the metroplex – both toward Rogers and Fayetteville – reflect that it is the litter state.

This year seems especially bad. I did send a suggestion to the governor that prisoners could be used for work details to clean up the highways that would then reflect the natural, pure beauty of the state and give them something positive to do. That doesn’t seem to be happening.

Besides cleaning up one’s own neighborhood, it seems that we need a local effort to clean [Hwys.] 62, 23, and 187. Earth Day is right around the corner and while it may be too late to organize something for that day, perhaps those who share the concern can organize an effort for later.

All the litter is hardly a welcoming sight for tourists who already have to drive by the stinky and unsightly sewer plant if they enter from the north. I personally cannot take on organizing a litter pickup campaign right now but perhaps others can. Hopefully.

Paula Koch


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