Speed bumps hamper snow and ice removal


Several years ago, a number of residents of East Mountain—a major traffic corridor between North Main and US 62–requested more speed bumps because of dangers created by motorists speeding in a residential area with pedestrians and dog walkers. But the speed bumps have a downside during winter storms such as the one experienced starting Jan. 9. The city is unable to provide snow removal and road treatment on roads with speed bumps.

Public Works Director Simon Wiley said the speed bumps were damaging the city’s snowplow equipment, and treatment with beet juice and salt was rotting out mounts for the speed bumps. Gravel can’t be spread because it can’t be removed later with a street sweeper as is done in other areas of town.

“If someone requests a speedbump, we have a whole policy dealing with it,” Wiley wrote in a text message. “It says that there will not be any snow or ice removal near it.”

Eureka Springs received six to eight inches of snow on Jan. 9 and 10. The city’s pretreatment and snow plowing got main roads opened quickly, and most were clear by the afternoon of Jan. 11. Abnormally cold weather kept snow from melting in areas not treated. On Monday, Jan. 13, motorists including those trying to get children to the school bus stop at East Mountain and US 62 reported the road was very icy and slick.

Other streets in town with speed bumps, like Emporia, also reported that road conditions were still difficult Monday.

Wiley said that anyone requesting a speed bump must fill out an application that includes why the speed bump is needed and be supported by at least five additional property owners along the street. City department heads that must approve it include the police chief, fire chief and transmit director.

Speed bumps are not appropriate for bus transit routes. East Mountain is a bus transit route, and Wiley said that under federal guidelines, the speed bumps should not have been installed.

To ask for a copy of the policy to be emailed to you, contact publicqworks@eurekaspringsar.gov.

Wiley said property owners can request removal of a speed bump.  Previously some residents have asked for removal of speed bumps near their home because of excessive noise. Removal also requires signatures of five additional property owners. The speed bump needs to be installed for a year before being considered for removal.

Wiley said when speed bumps are damaged, it is expensive to repair as they cost about $1,000 each.

Wiley said he splits his staff into two shifts to clear roads during and after the storm.

“Every public works employee responded and that is huge for us,” Wiley said. “They risk their lives to come into work in bad weather to make the roads safe for the public. I appreciate each member of my staff for doing that.”

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