Social justice starts with care of the environment



The summer Olympics are here. USA, China, Russia, Brazil, etc., will be competing obsessively to set new records to show their citizens country pride.

In the summer of 2016 another kind of record was just set. On July 21 a record-breaking 129 degrees was recorded in Kuwait and Iraq. All over the world temperatures on planet Earth are sweltering to new records. Even in the USA.

Also in the summer of 2016, record occurrences of blue-green algae has filled watersheds in Florida. Utah. Everywhere.

The techno corporate farming model is contributing to record amounts of pollution in watersheds. Olympians in Brazil right now are concerned about the filthy water they have to compete in.

On the Buffalo National River in Arkansas, while kayaking, recreational tourists are running into pea soup, slimy, foamy rocks in the precious fresh water.

All over, we earthlings are feeling record-breaking damages, and Earth can only take so much.

Records are being kept, scoreboards in sports. In climate and earth matters, the scores are life and death. Winners and losers.  Social justice begins with the environment we are raised in – bad environment = no justice.

The filth our fellow earth citizens are enduring, won’t take over the cable channels. This summer of records, God bless the planet earth and the USA, too.

Susan Pang