Slow it down on East Mountain



East Mountain Drive is one of two streets connecting Hwys. 23 and 62. The other is Passion Play Road. EMD has no sidewalks. The speed limit is 25 mph which cars routinely exceed.

The city council body has a responsibility to its constituents: Sound judgment, truthfulness, and dedication. Follow through and put residents’ safety above all.

East Mountain Dr. has eight seniors and six children in the 3/10 mile where speed is excessive.

Councilman Thomas moved from East Mtn. Dr. because of the excessive speed of traffic which endangered his safety.

EMD is used by 590 cars daily. The solution should be simple – build sidewalks! We pay our taxes. Or as a less expensive but effective way would be speed tables as used by schools. Or add more speed humps or start with a radar sign informing drivers of their speed and lower the speed limit. Three solutions, take your choice. Only do not fail to act this time.

Leon Bert