Silver Tea boosts The Purple Flower



St. James Episcopal Church thanks the citizens of Carroll County for their charitable spirits supporting the Silver Tea and its 2017 sponsored charity, The Purple Flower, a very deserving shelter for victims of domestic violence which also provides them counseling and representation at court appearances.  This year’s Silver Tea had the largest, happiest, most generous crowd ever.

Especially worthy of note was the eager participation of our county leaders, who took time to serve attendees by pouring tea, including Mayor Berry, Mayor McKinney, Chief Achord and Chief Bartos, Fire Chief Nick Samac, Transit Director Ken Smith, CCSO Dep. Major Frye, Mayor’s Assistant Kim Stryker, Attorney Chris Flanagin, Rev. Lasater.    

We thank all those who gave so generously of their time and special resources to make this happen, especially Elise Roenigk for providing use of the Crescent Hotel’s Crystal Ballroom, Marty Davis of the Methodist Church who organized food, and the congregation of St James Episcopal Church who provide the Silver Tea every December.   

Mary Vinyard Hill