Sidewalks still a slippery subject


The last new business agenda item at Monday’s city council meeting dealt with sidewalk surfaces, with alderman Mickey Schneider wanting to add an option to City Code allowing a more affordable replacement material, such as aggregate. She said she believes that aggregate is just as historical as limestone, and would give homeowners and business owners in the historic district a more economical option.

Because the agenda item lacked specificity, “Adding aggregate as an option for sidewalk surfaces,” it was left open as to which ordinance or code was up for discussion. Alderman Susan Harman asked if this was for the historic district or outside that area, and Schneider responded the historic district, Ordinance 2116.

Council looked the ordinance up, and Harman asked Clerk/Treasurer Armstrong if they could begin making the agenda items more specific so aldermen had a clear understanding before the meeting, i.e. an ordinance number. Armstrong clearly stated, “I don’t want the responsibility of doing your homework for you… I don’t want to do your homework, so, no thank you.”

Discussion ensued, and Melissa Greene voiced opposition to aggregate replacement where there is limestone, stating, “We’re losing the historic district inch by inch every year.” Bob Thomas then questioned the real savings of aggregate over stamped concrete.

Mayor Butch Berry delayed a decision by recommending that council get an expert opinion from the Historic District Commission for discussion at a later meeting.