Sidewalks still a slippery slope


At Monday’s city council meeting, Finance Director Lonnie Clark stated he is optimistic for the year 2021as sales tax revenue through April had grown. He said he’s encouraged by the numbers of travelers during the weekdays in addition to the busy weekends.

Mayor Butch Berry reflected that in 2020 the city was looking at 46 percent revenue loss, but now the turnaround is just one percent short of the revenue target.

Council discussed a proposed code revision regarding sidewalk repairs provided by the Planning Commission. “I think it is a decent start,” City Attorney Tim Weaver said. However, he said some areas of the city do not have sidewalks and asked if the city will require those areas to develop new ones. Most of the sidewalks, Weaver said, were originally built by privately funded landowners and associations.

Building Inspector Bobby Ray added that limestone is not considered ADA compliant, yet is in front of the county courthouse, housing city hall.

Tom Buford of the Planning Commission said almost no sidewalks have been repaired in the last several years, and he has noticed pedestrians struggling to safely walk downtown. He recommended the upcoming proposed sidewalk ordinance to promote equitable sidewalk repairs.

Greene made a motion, Meyer seconded, to ask Weaver to explore creating an ordinance for repairing sidewalks only in the historic district. Smole said these sidewalk improvements should be city-wide and should meet ADA compliance, subsequently voting No in the 5-1 vote to pass the motion.

Other items

  • Council discussed the possibility of providing city employees with a bonus to ease the gap of not receiving a cost-of-living adjustment in 2020, a topic expected to be placed on the next regular agenda.    
  • Alderman LauraJo Smole said that she will not accept the appointment to temporarily serve on the Planning Commission due to a potential conflict of interest. Smole recommended alderman Melissa Greene, who accepted.

The next council meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 14 at 6 p.m. at the Aud.