- Must have smoke alarms on every floor level, in every bedroom and outside of bedrooms in an adjacent hallway or area.
- Each unit must have a functional fire extinguisher that’s inspected and accessible.
- Carbon monoxide detectors shall be installed and in working order if gas is present in the house or attached garage. The detector must be placed near the source of gas and or in the hallway or area adjacent to bedrooms.
- Visual inspection of electrical, plumbing, gas and HVAC components throughout the property to ensure no clear potentially harmful defects.
- All escape routes are clear of obstructions and easily accessible.
- All sleeping areas have emergency escape and rescue openings or a door access to the exterior.
- Electrical panels shall be labeled, all breaker openings shall have a cover plate to prevent contact with live parts, verify no exposed electrical wiring.
- All electrical receptacles in kitchen, bathrooms, garages, outdoors, and within 6 ft. of a sink must be GFCI protected.
- Decks and balconies must be structurally stable.
- Guardrails must be installed on decks with elevations above 30 inches or more.
- Address to property must be displayed and visible for public view.
- All gas, water and electrical must have shutoff valves in place.
- No electrical cords can be used for permanent wiring.
- Identify any clear visible potential life health and safety concerns.
- Verify exterior lighting is operational.
- Maintain the landscaping around the property to eliminate overgrowth vegetation.
The city’s short term rental inspections checklist is part of the overall effort to encourage safe and sanitary living conditions by educating owners and tenants on property maintenance to ensure code compliance within our community.
Contact the Building Official if you have questions or concerns, (479) 244-8820 or at jacob.coburn@eurekaspringsar.gov