Sent to Sens. Boozman and Cotton



Just how much must this POTUS embarrass Americans before you start wondering if he is essentially a traitor? Needs to go?

He admits (to Russians, with no American press allowed into the Oval Office – the OVAL OFFICE! – but with Russian press allowed?) that he fired [Director James] Comey to relieve the pressure on him from the FBI investigation into Russia’s assist in the election. Calls our FBI Director a “nut job.” TO RUSSIANS! 

I know that you know the man is a dangerous fool. Dangerous for American interests at home and abroad. Dangerous mouth. Dangerous ignorance about world affairs. No aptitude, or even willingness, to bring himself up to speed. 

You know as well as I do that the would-be emperor has no clothes. Every over-cooked steak with catsup, every gorgeous piece of chocolate cake that he eats while his peons starve, makes each one of us (and most of all, you!) look foolish in the eyes of the world, and to Americans who pay the least little bit of attention to what the “emperor” is doing at any given moment.

You opportunists who thought you’d ride behind Trump into your legislative dreams are surely seeing the writing on the wall by now. Trump is your orange-headed stepchild, but he is your responsibility. It’s as inevitable as Nixon. Get him out of your special swamp, or you be dragged underwater with him. 

I am enjoying this diatribe. I am not enjoying this presidency.

Katie Johnsonius