Sending good wishes to June


Long-time resident June Hegedus is recovering from a Covid-19 infection at a regional hospital. Her husband, Ron, posted on Facebook Nov. 2 that he had spoken with June and she sounds much better.

“Says she had a blood clot and is on blood thinner. She is not out of the woods yet so keep the prayers coming. Love Ron.”

Because of the contagious nature of the virus no one is allowed to visit her, but friends are sending her messages of support.  

Penny Sullivan, who has been in touch with June’s daughter, said that June is doing well and on the road to recovery. Ron is showing no symptoms but will be tested for Covid-19.

Sullivan said June was always ready to help the community. She bought 100 masks and handed them out to friends and tourists who were maskless.

“She would hand them out and say, ‘Eureka cares about you’,” Sullivan said. “She then knitted ‘Eureka Springs Happy Scarves’ for a lot of us. Lorrie Davis suggested we post selfies of us wearing our scarves on her Facebook page to show our love for June! Please send prayers and healing light to June and her family.”

Another friend, Laura Jo Smole, mentioned June’s fiber artistry in colorful crocheted and knitted creations. She and her friend, June Owens, were often a hit in their handmade costumes for parades and parties. Together they are known as the Two Junes or the June Bugs.

Pam Quick posted on Facebook, “I’m just checking in to let you know how special you are to Richard and me. Please rest and start feeling better soon. You are strong and you are in good hands. We’ll be waiting for a fashion photo shoot when you’re back home and ready to play dress up. We love you, June.”

June and Ron have lived all over the world and hosted a large number of foreign exchange students in their homes.

Photo by Jay Vrecenak


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