Seek professional help



I have finally gotten up the courage to write my feelings about Mr. Trump. I am convinced he is mentally deranged. I am not the only one who thinks this is his problem. Many in the Republican Party have stated the same feelings.

Our government often throws together a panel of investigators. Especially when they don’t like a president in the other party. Just remember all the task forces put together to examine all the questions concerning Obama’s background. Trump was one of the leaders of those taskmasters!

Isn’t it time to for the Republicans to choose a panel of experts in mental health to survey Trump’s mind? I remember it was very difficult to get Nixon investigated. Nevertheless, Trump is being marched upon all over the world. That’s no exaggeration, either.

We have some psychologists who advertise in our neck of the woods in both our newspapers. I would be interested in their opinions. You betcha!

Enid B. Swartz