Former County Judge Richard Williams resides on Carroll Road 905, in the immediate vicinity of a wind turbine farm being developed by Scout Clean Energy. He has been a consistent critic of the project. During the quorum court meeting on Feb. 25, Williams said preliminary construction on the project caused his well to dry up after 60 years without a problem.
The Independent contacted Mark Wengierski, vice president of development, for a response, and he said, “The project is currently transporting construction equipment to the project site and performing tree clearing. The accusation that the wind farm has caused a water well to run dry is false. Many wind projects have been built in areas with complex terrain and there has never been a documented instance that the transportation of wind turbine components, or the installation of wind turbines have caused a water well to run dry.”
Wengierski was interviewed on KUAF in September, where he described hydrology studies conducted to ensure protection of local water supplies. Reporter Jackie Froelich offered a detailed examination of the issues surrounding the wind turbines.