School board raises wages and lunch prices


The Eureka Springs School Board worked quickly through a light agenda Monday night. The virtual meeting included five of the seven board members.

The minimum wage will increase to $11 an hour at the start of 2021, and that will affect some district employees. Rather than wait until January, the board voted to make the wage adjustments effective at the beginning of the school year. The miscellaneous duties salary schedule covers some trainees and aides.

The board also agreed to some small changes in meal prices. The changes mostly affect high school students and adults, and a high school lunch will only increase from $2.50 to $2.55.

The Arkansas School Boards Association had recommended some changes for the student handbook. The board adopted those changes, to maintain the most current legal language for the handbook.

The board held a special meeting on June 2 to award the contract for the elementary remodeling project. The work began on June 8.