School board gets business done in under 10 minutes


The state requires school boards to meet each month, but the state does not set minimum time requirements. Monday night’s meeting, which had been postponed twice because of weather, lasted six minutes. Only one board member attended in person, with the others joining by Zoom.

Because of continuing weather challenges, school principals did not deliver their monthly reports. Students have attended in person only one day in the past two weeks, and they can participate by distance learning, so they will not have to add days to the end of the school year to make up for the lost time.

The board heard a financial report, and those reports are posted on the school’s website. Several transfers in and out were approved, and the board discussed Covid vaccination schedules.

Supt. Bryan Pruitt asked and received approval to hire an interim Child Nutrition Director to cover several weeks of maternity leave for Debbie Arnold. Former director Sidney High will come in several days a week to keep up with food orders and other essential duties.