Sales tax rebuttal


All good fairy tales begin with “Once upon a time” and a recent opinion article in the newspaper is no exception. I would like to correct a few misstatements with the facts.

That the complaints from ADEQ ended after the new sewer plant was built is not true and E.S. has continued to receive warnings. The City loans $200,000 per year to the water/sewer dept. but the tax that was originally passed to build the sewer plant brings over $1,000,000 a year into the City coffers. No pre-payments on these bonds were ever made.

Some businesses were greatly affected by the recession of 2008 (which continues today) but city revenues were not greatly affected – sales tax receipts fell just $10,000 over the next 2 years and then greatly increased (see chart). Other revenues such as licenses, property taxes, etc. never decreased.

The CAPC tax was originally touted as a way to promote the City Auditorium as a convention center, which promise was never kept. It is viewed as an albatross by the CAPC, which would rather use all its locally collected funds to advertise – not promote in-town festivals or nationally known acts here. How can we believe the current promises? The idea of building a parking garage for a (projected guesstament) of $5,000,000 is a ludicrous boondoggle when there is adequate convenient parking all but maybe a dozen days a year. Overall, there is plenty of parking and this idea would double the bonded indebtedness of the City.

Finally, would you rather have your water bill go up 25%, or pay 20% of the 1% proposed tax?

The water rates have already been raised and the sewer rates will be raised also. The Mayor has already announced this and is mandated by the State.


2006 $ 1,742,951.01

2007 $ 1,730,382.91

2008 $1,738,782.63

2009 $ 1,728,746.88

2010 $ 1,728,699.59

2011 $1,754,530.26

2012 $ 1,880,618.37

2013 $ 1,886,859.95

2014 $ 1,950,237.72

2015 $ 2,084,672.64


$ 25,830.67

$ 151,918.78

$ 158,160.36

$ 221,538.13

$ 355,973.05

$ 913,420.99

Almost 80% (of this tax) would be paid by our visitors… (If projected at 2015 levels of collection)

One-half of $ 2,084,672.64 = $ 1,042,336.32

$ 1,042,336.32 — 20% of which our small population of residents would have to pay for a minimum of at least 10 years. Well over ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for every man, woman and child who lives here!

You do the math—then decide.

Ken Foggo


  1. The other option is to continue to allow The Auditorium and the city’s infrastructure to go underfunded. And despite the many claims to the contrary, the CAPC already funds or promotes the festivals, events and concerts held in Eureka Springs.

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