Runway not the main drag


The Carroll County Airport Commission held a lengthy meeting last Friday, with a quarter of the time devoted to considering using the runway for drag racing.

The commission was approached by a group who said the airport could make significant money by closing the runway for a day. Shane Roberts described similar operations generating thousands of dollars. If a trial event met expectations, the airport could establish a recurring revenue source. In Roberts’ presentation, he touched upon factors including insurance, sponsorships, and clean-up.

Before the meeting, commissioners had solicited an opinion from the Federal Aviation Administration regarding the proposal. The response clearly opposed using the runway for racing. Some commissioners had other objections, including wear on the runway surface. Closing the runway, even for a day, would defeat the primary purpose of the airport. While they rejected the proposal, commissioners also encouraged Roberts to continue looking for a suitable local venue. “Somewhere there’s a strip of land waiting for you guys,” commissioner Morris Pate said, suggesting some possibilities in the southern part of the county.

New hangar on the horizon

Consulting Engineer Dan Clinton discussed the possibility of building a new hangar 100 feet square. He noted that prices are still rising, but the state is taking steps to encourage new hangar construction. Commissioners are considering building the hangar and leasing spaces to multiple users as the space could accommodate as many as six planes.

Clinton explained how the airport would move those planes around to access a plane further inside the hangar as planes used less frequently would be stored behind other planes. The airport would have some involvement in moving the planes, but the project would help relieve the large waiting list for hangar space while generating additional income.

Commissioners voted to allow Clinton to solicit bids for the gang hangar. He will also arrange a survey, because the proposed site lies at the edge of the property.