Retaining wall replacement OK’d


The Historic District Commission met last week for the first time since November. Since then, City Historic Preservation Officer Glenna Booth has issued administrative approvals for applications for changes to building exteriors.

The agenda began with a request from the Parks Commission to replace a falling retaining wall at 29 Douglas St. Interim Director Scott Miskiel said his department has received complaints about the wall that collapsed years ago. He said the wall, about 45 feet long, had been constructed with stones three to four inches thick laid flat against the earth face. Miskiel asked for approval to build a dry stack retaining wall similar to a wall at nearby Cave Spring.

In response to questions, Miskiel said the rocks from the existing retaining wall would be re-purposed as steps. He said those rocks were not suited for a retaining wall. “If we rebuild it the way it was, it will end up the way it is,” he said. Commissioners approved the request.

At 19 Judah St., the HDC approved a new greenhouse for Mark and Charissa Litherland. The structure will be 8x 12 ft., with polycarbonate panels and powder-coated aluminum framework. The greenhouse will be anchored to a foundation. Although no one attended to represent the application, commissioners found all the information they needed to approve the proposal.

Let sunshine in, keep rain and noise out

Commissioners deliberated before eventually approving a request from Virginia Seymour to replace a deck at 2 Cross St. They had no problem with removing the existing deck, 7×16 ft., but expressed initial opposition to a plan that called for the deck to extend past the side of the house. Commissioner Randy Maddox said guidelines call for decks at the rear of houses. Seymour explained that the existing deck, on the north side of the house, remains in shadow. She planned to grow plants where the new deck would have some sun exposure. She also noted that the deck will be well back from the street and will be further concealed by vegetation.

Craig Cox received approval for his request to remove a deck and fallen brick wall at 36 Eureka St. The house dates to 1889 and is considered contributing. The deck was added later, however, and Cox said the deck is in poor condition and does not meet city codes. His application included the notation that, “Plans for landscaping, new deck and outdoor kitchen area will be presented in future.”

Cox said the property was in very bad shape when he acquired it. “The first weekend we moved in, it was raining on the inside,” he said. Chairman Dee Bright said she was on that deck five years ago, and it was in dangerous shape then. “Anything you can do to save this house, we’re indebted to you,” she said.

Commissioners also deliberated over a fence at 91 S. Main St. Britt Evans asked to raise a fence protecting an outdoor dining area, “to help mute noise from traffic and neighbors.” City codes would ordinarily limit the fence height to 42 inches, and Evans asked to raise it to six feet. The fence has steel posts with horizontal boards between them, and commissioners questioned how much the new fence would help with noise abatement. They approved his request, however, with two commissioners opposed.

In other business

Officers were elected for the coming year, since this was the first official meeting of the year. Bright will continue as chair, with Maddox as vice chair. Steve Holifield will serve as secretary and Magi Hayde will be treasurer.

The commission has discussed revising its guidelines, and Booth said a grant will pay for a consultant to assist in the process of reviewing and revising guidelines. She suggested aiming toward a public meeting in the fall and in the meantime, the commissioners could hold workshops to prepare for the process. The first workshop was scheduled for 5 p.m. on April 7, an hour before the start of the regular meeting. Booth said she will send out her preliminary notes in advance of that workshop.

The commission will next meet at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 7. Level III applications were due March 25, and other levels are due by April 1.