Responders at odds over response


Chair Sam Ward called the Feb. 19 Western Carroll County Ambulance District meeting to order with Al Selleck, Connie Deaton and Jim Hughes present and Judy Thorpe absent, and commissioners got right to finances. The annual allowance was raised $10,000 from last year, giving the district a $260,000 budget. Selleck said the current balance of accounts is just over $400,000. 

Commissioners moved some Certificates of Deposit from Equity Bank to Cornerstone Bank proving an extra $3,500 earned income, and moved the checking account to Equity Bank. The commission also approved the expense of the 2019 financial audit of $300. 

ESFD Chief Nick Samac provided the December 2018/January 2019 Ambulance Performance report organized by incidents in each district; Eureka Rural (13), Grassy Knob (six), Holiday Island (74), and Inspiration Point (10). Of the $55,260 billed incidents, $34,102 was collected; the average ambulance bill ranges from $750-$1000. 

First Responder Mike Fitzpatrick provided a report representing Eureka Rural First Responders, saying there was one call at 3 a.m. on Dec. 20 where no responders were on scene of County Road 306 for a lift-assist only. Ward responded, “I actually find that unacceptable.” 

Samac asked for details for further follow-up, and Ward asked for a follow-up report at the next meeting and restated, “I just think this is terrible.” 

“The alternative to that is fifteen of our responders all turn up and none of them are necessary,” Fitzpatrick responded.  “So it is a judgment call on the individuals.” 

“I think that judgment needs to be taken away from the individuals, if that’s the case,” Ward replied. It was discussed that ESFD is ultimately responsible, and Samac said he would address the issue.  Ward’s final words were, “This was the straw that broke the camel’s back.” 

First Responder of the Grassy Knob Fire Department and Alliance Chair Lynn Palmer provided the Alliance Report. Palmer stated the January emergency training was well attended and they appreciated Dr. Greg Kresse’s input.  A copy of the newest contract with Eureka Springs Hospital was requested, as well as eight additional rescue pumps and pods/respiration devices, for a cost of $10,360.  Commissioners approved the request. 

Inspiration Point Fire Chief Ed Thompson discussed the static of hand radios and the need for better communication. Ward recognized the need for improved radios but said, “There is a reluctance on the county’s part to spend… it frustrates me too.” Grassy Knob FD also experiences poor hand radio quality, and Ward stated the district would be providing a list of new and confidential radio frequencies. 

Registration is open for the Eureka Springs EMS and First Responder Conference scheduled for March 7 -10 at the Inn of the Ozarks Conference Center in Eureka Springs. The conference fee is $45. For a complete schedule and list of events go to

The next regular meeting is scheduled for April 16, at 4 p.m. at the Holiday Island Fire Department.