Resident calls Planning on Sonic approval


Kristi Kendrick listed apparent code violations in the application.

The plot plan does not include the lot’s exact dimensions, the location of existing structures, or the exact size and location on the lot of the new building.

City codes require “every consideration for driving safety” for development of commercial facilities.

Kendrick said the minimum setback off Jordan Dr. should be the same as the average within a block, and the Quality Inn on the opposite side of Jordan Dr. has a setback of at least 50 feet.

The site plan does not show concrete curbs between Jordan Dr. and a parking area, and Kendrick submitted drawings showing how the lack of curbs would create additional hazards on Jordan Dr. Codes call for landscaped strips at least five feet wide between the street and the parking area.

That intersection already requires the presence of a police officer for school traffic, and the Sonic would further complicate an already-dangerous location, and codes call for entrance and exit drives no wider than 40 feet. Exit drives are located less than 40 feet from an intersection.


  1. Sonic probably hasn’t submitted an outdoor lighting plan, either. It is required by City Outdoor Lighting Ordinance #2114.

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