Republicans in a dilemma



I voted for Bernie in the Arkansas primary because his proposals are absolutely necessary for a progressive nation; however, with Hillary winning the most votes and the most delegates, I will vote for her in the general.

I question why such vilifying and sexist hatred is always directed at Hillary Clinton by Republicans. She is, by far, the most experienced and qualified Democratic candidate.

Take a close look their nominee, Donald Trump: He never looks at his third wife when they come to the podium; he never touches her to acknowledge her at the podium; he calls women sexist and nasty names, commenting on their hairstyles, weight and faces; he hints at physical functions of women in a titillating sneer and refers to “size” of maleness; he does not know KKK David Duke who endorsed him; he thinks eating a taco shows his love for Hispanics; he brags, bullies, and pretends to stand up for white working-class people (anyone checked to see if any of his service employees receives more than the $7.50 minimum wage?; he wants to appeal to the Christian fundamentalists and at the same time curses on TV, happily acknowledging his many extramarital affairs, his bouts with sexually transmitted diseases, his having affair with the next “Mrs. Trump” while he is still wed to the previous one, his misquoting the Bible and making up Bible stories that are not in the Good Book… and more.

I could catalog his imperialistic foreign policies, his lack of any knowledge about world leaders, his bellicose promises to “bomb” and possibly use atomic weapons, his lack of respect for any of our allies, and his racism.

I am delighted at the dilemma of the Republican Party. I hope Trump is their candidate. He appeals to white, working-class males who dislike the government and the present economy. Although our government should do much more for all working people, his “solutions” are nuts.

Hillary, human faults and all, will be a much better president. And, incidentally, how nice to have a woman in the White House! About time.

T.A. Laughlin


  1. T.A., I read your opinion and I don’t get it.

    When you voted for Bernie you decided Bernie is a the best choice to be our next president. I and many others also voted for Bernie.

    Who cares about Republican dilemmas or the Donald? Writing about him is the reason he is leading the Reps. Name recognition drives gnorant people who keep talking about him.

    Bernie continues winning and drawing people together, Bernie will go mano-a-mano against the Donald. Bernie will be our next President.

    Got it?

  2. T.A. Laughlin, you show you ass every time you write an article. People are not laughing with you but at you ! Fools names in fools places.

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