Quick action in Eureka Springs saves woman in New York City


Eureka Springs resident Connie Schrader credits the Eureka Springs Fire & Emergency Medical Services with saving the life of a woman on the 25th floor of an apartment building in New York City.

Schrader said that she got a call April 3 from her sister-in-law, Sue Kellogg, 92, in New York City. Kellogg, a survivor of 9-11, had been unable to get out of bed in several days. When she tried to get up, she fell and broke her arm, and the only phone number she could remember was Schrader’s.

Schrader called the local 911, and Eureka Springs EMS tracked down the correct EMS in New York City using Kellogg’s zip code.

Schrader, who has known Kellogg since 1957, was talking to her on the phone when paramedics in New York City broke into the apartment to rescue her. Kellogg is now recovering in the Columbia Presbyterian Hospital.

“It was amazing to me how fast they came once they got the idea she was stuck in her apartment,” Schrader said. “The EMS here and in New York City saved her life because she was very dehydrated and weak. I called the local EMS a couple hours later to tell them the EMS in New York City had found her. The local paramedics were very happy that they could help save someone’s life thousands of miles away. Our EMS came through.”


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