Quality and convenience of medical marijuana


One of the greater benefits for patients is a variety of products available as a result of the legalization of medical marijuana in Arkansas. The choices of methods of delivery, potency and strains of cannabis are many. One local doctor who certifies patients with conditions that allow them to apply for a state medical marijuana patient card tells patients to start out slow and experiment to find what works best.

“We produce a large number of products,” Chief Operation Officer Jay Trulove said. “We go above and beyond with our gummies. A lot of people have medical conditions such as diabetes, and gummies are known for having a lot of sugar. We have created a good gummy that is sugar free and vegan. We also manufacture oral capsules. We even produce a suppository. For people with lower back pain, it works really well. It doesn’t go through your stomach. You lose some effect anytime it goes through the stomach.”

Another product they are working on for insomnia will be an edible containing TCH, Cannabidiol (CBD), which is not psychoactive but believed to have effective medicinal qualities and melatonin, a sleep hormone.

There are many products and methods of delivery, and there will be products from other grow facilities.

Because medical marijuana has attracted far more patients than initially expected in the state, and licenses for grow facilities were limited, there can be long lines at dispensaries. Osage Creek plans to keep lines to a minimum. There will also be an express line for online orders. Trulove said about 50 percent of patients do research online, and then make online orders that expedite the process.

Currently there is a proposed referendum to make adult use of recreational marijuana legal in Arkansas. Opponents are trying to keep it off the ballot. Polls have shown it is likely to pass if it survives court challenges. The referendum would initially allow sales from existing medical marijuana growers and dispensaries with more added in the future.

“There is no doubt about it, if recreation passes, it will increase sales quite a bit across the state,” Trulove said. “We have the dispensary to handle that. We are ready for that if it happens. Will it happen? We think so. We feel fairly confident that the petition was signed by more than twice as many voters as required. I think the citizens have made it clear they want it in the state.”

With Eureka Springs already drawing a lot of visitors from surrounding states, with many states not having legalized recreational marijuana, the new dispensary could have a massive long-range impact on the tourism economy of Eureka Springs.

The dispensary is going to be offering free delivery of products with a minimum purchase. Trulove said that could be particularly useful for people who have difficulty getting out of their homes.

Tubbs said from his experiences with the industry across the country, Arkansas has done a great job regulating the industry.

“With regulations comes responsible use,” Tubbs said. “When you have an industry backing it, you have more options. You have test certifications for the product. And you have a variety of delivery methods that can work for an individual’s specific needs.”

Tubbs said their prices will be competitive with other dispensaries and that they plan to be part of the Compassionate Care Program in Arkansas that provides discounts to low-income patients.

Trulove said ABC does a very good job keeping Arkansas regulated.

“It makes their job a lot harder, but they make sure they are doing it right,” Trulove said. “Oklahoma has more than 7,000 cultivators. They can’t police that. Arkansas does it right with regulations and enforcement. I have seven competitors, but all of us are trying the best we can to make the best product we can and come up with new ways to get better.”