Put some input in



Perhaps your family has been in Eureka Springs for generations, many years, a few years, have a second home here or just arrived. No matter how you got here, your family is part of the fabric of this community.

Parks are also very much a part of the fabric of Eureka Springs. They serve as destinations to our out-of-town tourists. They provide a safe place for local sports and community events. They are a quiet respite pocketed in our quaint neighborhoods. While Parks serves many needs, we do have it within us to be both a Tourist Town and a Home Town. Let’s strike a balance with a Master Plan that does both, fairly. We all should be stewards of our land and resources and do our best to ensure that this fabric is strong.

The Eureka Springs Parks & Recreation commissioners will host a town hall meeting, Nov. 12, 6 p.m. at the community center. This meeting is for public input for a new Parks Master Plan and hopefully explain where they are in the Master Plan planning process. I am sure there will be many more meetings before the plan is completed.

Please be at this very important meeting. Voice your wants, needs, concerns and what you think is important for Eureka Parks & Recreation or sit quietly in support of the citizens and parks commissioners.

This meeting is important on so many levels.  

  1. To show the commissioners Eureka citizens do care about the direction Eureka Parks & Recreation will take in the future.
  2. To learn how the commissioners will actually use a Master Plan, or more specifically how the commission will expect their director and staff to implement the plan with sufficient oversight.
  3. To learn if there will be clear policies and procedures that explain how current revenue and expenses are managed, and how the budget is developed and maintained.
  4. To learn how Parks & Recreation actually manages our public land and the resources they represent.

Remember we can be a Tourist and a Home Town but we must be proactive in the planning of the new Parks Master Plan.

Linda McBride


  1. This is an excellent letter. Thank you. I can’t be there on the 12th, but I support a strong parks program for all and can’t wait to hear about the master plan!
    Susan Osborne

    • Thank you, Susan. Sorry you won’t be able to attend but please encourage your friends to be at the meeting.

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