Protect the innocents



I feel I must respond to the letter [ESI June 14] about the Good Shepherd Humane Society. As a volunteer at the Eureka Springs thrift store the only reason that I know that a person would be banned from the store, is because of abuse of volunteer, staff, shopper or property. That is the only reason the board would even consider such a drastic measure.

As a volunteer I come to do my job so that it benefits the care, safety, refuge and kindness these abandoned animals need to find homes. I expect to be treated with respect, dignity and kindness. Which happens every time I walk in the door. 

There are always two plus sides to every story. Unfortunately when only one side is aired, it causes speculation and mistrust. I began to hear “I won’t donate, volunteer or shop at the stores.” Yes, you are getting even, only it is only with the very beings you so claim you are protecting – the animals.

So please before you air things publicly think about the animals because they are ones who suffer from one-sided information. Call the board and get their side. Get all sides before you write a letter. And then the innocents won’t get hurt.

Melissa Greene