Power of the politician.


I’ve asked people why don’t you go downtown Eureka Springs to eat, because of the tax, why don’t you go to downtown Eureka Springs to shop, because of the tax. It doesn’t surprise me one bit. People do not like taxes.

Ask anyone except a politician. The question should be why are the Eureka Springs politicians and mayor fighting so hard to keep it? We know the CAPC is facing ethical complaints, and the audit shows money missing, as well as refusing full disclosure. In fact, they are holding two million dollars in reserve for what? The real question is what are you doing with our money?

The mayor say tourism is our economy, people come to town and use our streets, our utilities, our infrastructure and should be taxed. But none of that money goes back into the city. Anyone with a basic understanding of economics knows if you cut taxes people will spend more. President Woodrow Wilson was under enormous pressure to raise taxes after the First World War and the Great Depression. Instead, he cut taxes and we had the roaring ‘20s. So again, why is the city fighting the people for what they want. And when has a politician ever known what’s good for the people?

Jarrett S Campbell


  1. This would be false and misinformation as there is no missing money and the commission is already planning for ways to bring down the balance of the reserves which came about during COVID. There are many talks about ramping up Maddens agenda to increase tourism for 2025 to funding a study for economic advantages of adding a parking garage or alleviating the parking situation, which means the funding may be used for tourism infrastructure. Reserves are there because research will show funds have limits to what they may be spent. Also, there are discussions of utilizing funds to advertise and increase concerts for the AUD with a focus on sold out concerts, and expansion of wedding outreach to bring in more tourists to spend their wedding and honeymoons here, as well as expanding nightlife advertising, placing more billboards and advertising in areas where more increased activity of visitor/tourists are coming, and bringing back tour buses to boost the economy, as well as, so much more planned. Before writing an article, you should go to the CAPC office and discuss the public information with those running the operations. Before posting a false opinionated article, you should ask before publishing. Before publishing a misinformed article, you actually should show up at a meeting and sign up for public comments and questions because that is when you can ask your illiterate questions with false answers to the commission.

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