Please fix the road


Judge Barr and County Road Foreman Kelly,

I’m a 23-year resident of Mill Hollow requesting that you grade Spring Valley Road in Harvey Estates Subdivision.  We residents who use this road mean grading like it used to be done, back when you had a skilled operator who cut ditches, moved material to the center of the road, and crowned and packed without burying culverts.

20 years ago, the Spring Valley Road was professionally graded once a year without anyone needing to call the county. 10 years ago, the road was graded within a week of one resident calling.

 Now, we call and call for months, we even call together to get the idea through to you, but little happens. The lower part of the road hasn’t been graded in years, and what was done to the top of the road at the beginning of June was a great set-up for rapid road erosion – no ditches cut, no crown, just moving the rocks around to level it out. They didn’t even attempt the lower part of the road.

What’s going on with the deteriorating service? I asked this question of Judge Barr in my last phone request, and he replied, “Have you ever seen such rain as we’ve been having?”

Citizens would imagine that county leadership would take the time to appropriate the funding necessary for road equipment and labor training.

Thank you.

Eric Scheunemann