Plaques and Lake Leatherwood thoughts are aired


Parks’ agenda and the Auditorium were packed at last Tuesday Park’s meeting. Chair Bill Featherstone made changes to the order of the agenda so that those presenting to commissioners could go first rather than sit through the long agenda.

Cameron Denoewer spoke first during Public Comments saying he was concerned that Parks would be setting a precedent if they allowed a commemorative plaque in Basin Park and asked who will be in charge of deciding what plaques would be allowed in parks. He asked Parks to think it through saying that when they start pointing out certain groups, they alienate others.

Sue Hubbard drew attention to the Master Plan, giving her thoughts on how Parks could handle the issue of invasive plants.

Cheryl Rutledge gave a personal proposal to Parks for a sculpture at Harding Spring honoring the indigenous natives of the area.

Chris Fischer said Parks was not looking at the LLCP Master Plan and asked why it had not been updated and that an effort to update it had been disregarded. Pat Costner was the last to speak, asking Featherstone if he had been the one to present the 2013 LLCP Master Plan to City Council.

Chair and Director looking back and forward

Featherstone said that Parks needed a new policies and procedures manual in order to function, and easy to understand financials. He also said that they needed a documented action plan for the future of Parks.

Director Justin Huss went over a list of accomplishments by Parks in 2019 including a list of events hosted in Lake Leatherwood, the purchase of two shuttles, skid-steer, dump trucks and a vehicle. He said it was time to think about ADA access to parks.

Other items:

  • Chris Fischer gave an update on educational panels for Miner’s Rock, giving commissioners panel examples and possible additions including plant markers and geographic markers.
  • Shreya Smith presented Parks with a plan to expand the LL Ballfields, including two new soccer fields across the creek with additional parking, new connecting trails and a pavilion and multi-generation playground. He said the reason for the expansion was due to an increase of soccer club members and a need for more parking for major events.
  • Huss gave an initial presentation on the Leatherwood Corridor Project, presenting concepts for connecting routes, and new routes for a serenity garden off of Fuller Trail. The connecting routes include a route from Miner’s Rock to the Beacham Trail running parallel to the road and another connecting Beacham and Fuller Trails. There is also a mapped area for a native plant arboretum next to the playground. Plant inventory surveys will not be until spring.
  • The only officer voted in during the meeting was commissioner Dave Hartmann to secretary. Steven Foster did nominate Scott Bardin for Chair, but the vote failed without a majority
  • Bardin made a motion to elect a treasurer but without a definition of duties he withdrew.
  • Commissioners voted to create separate checking accounts for each dedicated sales tax fund receipts.