Planning sets objectives, needs more commissioners


The Planning Commission began 2019 last Tuesday by setting goals when Chair Ann Sallee said, “I would like us to continue a review of code.” She also suggested a visual map showing the locations of all Conditional Use Permits, “so we can see where everything is.”

Commissioner Tom Buford proposed a workshop with Public Works to discuss the city’s sewer system, sating “We need to see where the lines stop, and what we can do to extend them.” Sallee suggested starting the process by asking Public Works Director Bobby Ray to come to a commission meeting.

City Preservation Officer Glenna Booth is working on an updated list of CUPs and wedding venues. A workshop last year dealt with CUPs in R-1 zones, and commissioners will set another workshop after receiving the updated list. A workshop on Feb. 12 may develop other goals for the year.

Commissioners discussed a pamphlet on parliamentary procedure provided by the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service. The pamphlet outlined an alternative to the more formal Robert’s Rules of Order. Small boards can choose to adopt this protocol, which allows for more casual discussion, so commissioners voted to adopt it.

Commission will hear public comments as each issue comes to the table. Someone asking for a variance will state his case, and others can then comment. The commissioners discussed ways to facilitate public comments without derailing the meeting. “I want everybody to have their say,” commissioner Woodie Acord said. “I just don’t want to see the discussion go on forever and ever.”

Sallee will continue to serve as chair, Tom Buford will serve as vice-chair, and Susan Harman will continue as secretary if she remains on the commission.

Commissioners briefly discussed several items that will appear on the agenda at the next meeting. They will decide procedures for public comments, and review a new tree cut application. The ghost tours will be on the agenda, as well as applications for CUPs.

The commission will next meet at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 22. There are currently two vacancies, and another if Harman leaves.