Planning application forms update


Planning commissioner Abbey Abbey presented her latest version of a new CUP application form at last week’s meeting. She included recent suggestions, including asking for more specifics from the applicant.

Commissioners were concerned, for example, about a situation in which an applicant who was not the property owner was granted a CUP, but subsequently left the scene. They questioned whether the CUP would still be valid.

Commissioner Tom Buford suggested inserting a statement on the application that the titleholder could sign in anticipation of this happenstance. Other observations were aired, and Abbey said she would incorporate comments and bring the updated application to the next meeting.

Buford presented again his draft for reworking the tree cut application. Commissioners were detailed in analyzing the entire tree cut process, even down to which colors of ribbons to use to identify trees to be cut or left standing. Buford will add suggestions to the form and report back.