Pitiful Eureka



I am still shocked and bewildered by the fact that the Jazz Festival was such a bust. Maybe 110 people attended the phenomenal performance at The Aud featuring the Brubeck Bros. Sons of Dave Brubeck! It was the best professional music I’ve heard in a very long time here.

Why was there so little advertising? Why was there no one from the press there? Why was it planned the same weekend as Antique Car Show? There was nothing in last week’s papers about any of the Jazz Fest events. Pitiful Eureka. So Sad.

MJ Rose


  1. It’s not letting me post links I guess but if you go to the top of the page and search JAZZ, there are 3 mentions of the concert in the last two issues!!! Ignorance is embarrassing

  2. Why print negativity and stupidity?? I read all about Jazz in both papers, Fun Guide, Dem Gaz AND saw ads for it. If I were the CAPC I’d not bother with ads inthis paper anymore (sorry Chip Ford) if you’d print negative AND untrue.

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