Parks talks shuffling shuttles to third party


Executive Director Justin Huss proposed negotiating a short-term contract to lease Parks’ shuttles to Slaughter Trail Guides to commissioners at the July 21 regular meeting. He said that STG would help with social media presence and take control of the overhead of shuttle operations.

Dustin Slaughter was there to state his company’s qualifications saying they give professional tours of trails in the area, they have been a component of the downhill trails, and have offered shuttle services in the past. He also said that STG had a booking website, something that Parks does not have, and Huss said they would have no way of getting one without revenue.

The contract would be exclusive until the end of the year when commissioners could review it. Long-term would be STG leasing the shuttles for purchase and continuing exclusive shuttle service for the downhill trails at Leatherwood.

Commissioner Dave Hartmann voiced concern that Parks had a plan to operate the shuttles last year. Huss said that without revenue, they couldn’t build the systems needed to keep the operation running long-term in reference to a book system and website.

Hartmann said he wanted to see numbers of what was being shed in cost. Huss gave general numbers of the lease, $1265, two paid positions, insurance, fuel, and staff time. As well, Parks would be getting a percentage of net revenue from booked shuttles. When asked what that percentage would be Huss gave a ballpark figure of 10 to 20.

Huss said he would negotiate a contract and bring it to the commission to vote.

Utilizing staff to fullest extent

Huss discussed changing staff positions with the goal to embrace employee strengths. He wanted to define Project Coordinator, as well as change the definition of the clerk position currently held by Nicky Boyette. Huss said the intention was to move Scott Miskiel to the position of Project Coordinator so he could work on programming for volunteers. Gardening would still be under his supervision, but the position would give him room to coordinate volunteer efforts.

He also presented commissioners with a list of raises for employees to keep Parks competitive. Commissioners noted that everything included was within the approved budget for the year and approved everything unanimously.

Huss also asked commissioners to unfreeze $2,750 for purchase, set up, and training on volunteer coordination software. In the past the issue has been making email lists manageable and up-to-date, and this would solve it. Huss said $1,750 was for purchase of the software, $1,000 for set-up and that $750 would be spent on maintenance annual afterward.

Commissioner Scott Bardin motioned to authorize Huss to dispense $2,750 from the frozen budget. Hartmann seconded and it passed unanimously.

Other Items

  • Commissioners noted that they were still having trouble allowing access information relating to the signature card to the Parks’ clerk. Chair Ruth Hager said she would look into it.
  • Commissioners approved first quarter financials.
  • There was some question over what to expect from Windle & Associates regarding financial information given on a regular basis and whether Parks needed an administrative assistant. The conclusion was that Parks wouldn’t need an administrative assistant and Huss would discuss monthly duties with the company.

Despite initial appearances the commission did have a quorum with Ruth Hager, Hartmann, and Bardin in attendance in person and Christian Super by phone, though he was not audible to the audience in the Aud.