Parks’ finances still a glue pot for council


For almost two months aldermen have talked about having a special Parks workshop due to public outcry for financial responsibility, and there is still no date set for it.

Parks’ advocate Pat Costner urged city council on Monday to consider the financial impact of the Lake Leatherwood shuttle van service expenses since 2018 amounting to significant loss of taxpayer funds that were intended to be used for the preservation and protection of the park for future generations.

Costner indicated that in 2018, Parks had a net loss of $57,347 on shuttle service expenses. In 2019, Parks ledgers indicate another net loss of $47,917. Added together, in two years Parks’ tax revenue has funded more than $100,000 out-of-pocket for the downhill Lake Leatherwood shuttles.

In 2017, when there were no Lake Leatherwood shuttles, the Walton Foundation offered to build several downhill courses with a shuttle service back to the top of the hill. Somewhere along the way, instead of the Foundation paying for shuttle services, the city incurred the shuttle expense and is using the 1/8th  percent tax intended to improve and maintain Lake Leatherwood City Park.

Ord. 2176, which allows Parks to receive the tax revenue was ordained in March 2013, five years before shuttle service expenses hit the Parks general ledger.

City Attorney Tim Weaver offered no counsel as he indicated at an earlier meeting that he believes the shuttle fees are within the scope of the Master Plan that was dated before installation of the downhill gravity trails, even though taxpayers have shelled out more than $100,000 that was designated for preservation and maintenance.


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