Parks discusses opening and sanitization


Parks’ June 2 workshop utilized the new accommodations for public meetings in the main hall of the Auditorium with commissioners on stage and audience members to sit scattered through the seating. Discussion focused on the impact of Covid-19 and evolving policies for employees as the department slowly opens back up. The workshop originally was to discuss the policies and procedure manual and future changes.

Parks Director Justin Huss said that department payroll had been reduced significantly and that furloughs had saved the department $40,000. Since Parks was using a budget from two years ago some of the work to save money was done, but Huss said they would need to get creative as time goes on. He said that reserves will need to be used but that he felt optimistic not all of it would be required to get through the time.

Chair Ruth Hager was concerned if any employees didn’t want to come back and Huss answered that everyone is excited to return.

Discussion moved to the difficulties with reopening the playgrounds as well as tent camping, as the department does not have the manpower to keep facilities disinfected. Huss said that staff would be giving feedback on how to reopen on Friday.

The next meeting is schedule for June 16 with the Policies and Procedures Manual on the agenda as well as discussion among commissioners on reopening.