Parks commissioner count dwindles


With only a minimum quorum, Parks commissioners set up officer replacements and committee members.

Commissioner Bren Marshall was nominated and voted in as commission vice-chair with the resignation of Kevin Ruehle. It was also noted during the meeting that commissioner Jonathan Teigen had also resigned, meaning the commission has further vacancies.

With major budgetary projects upcoming and a need to keep the public informed, Executive Director Scott Miskiel told commissioners that he felt the time to form a planning committee had come. He suggested that a total of 5 – 7 people with a commissioner at the helm be a part of the committee and that there be a diversity of interests when it comes to parks uses.

Commissioner Sue Hubbard voiced concern on what the committee would actually cover and whether or not it would help create a Master Plan for just Lake Leatherwood or the entire of Parks’ facilities. It was defined during the meeting that the committee would focus on long-range planning for all of Parks’ facilities and present those plans to Miskiel and the commission. Marshall said that it would be easier for Miskiel to seek grant funds when there is a plan rather than trying to fix things as they are failing.

Miskiel and Chair Ruth Hager also pointed out that this committee would give the public a more efficient way to provide input to the commission rather than just meetings. Marshall said he would champion the committee.

Hubbard said she would set up the Trails committee.

Commissioners also approved an amended 2022 budget that reduced the amount budgeted for professional services in Basin Park by $15,000. Miskiel explained that Parks did not have the funds necessary to pay for all of the work required at the park. On a brighter note, though, he said that Preservation Officer Kylee Heverdejs was applying for a grant to assist in the cost at Lake Leatherwood Dam and that he was seeking alternative funding opportunities for Basin Park. Namely he said he had a meeting with the CAPC about receiving monetary assistance.

Commissioners asked to have assessments completed as soon as possible to know the entire costs of repairs to the park. Miskiel said he would provide a cost breakdown at the next workshop.

The amended budget also provided $30,000 for repairs to the road at Lake Leatherwood.