Parkinson’s support group forming



A support group for people with Parkinson’s disease and their caregivers is in the planning stage. Our first meeting will be on Wednesday, Nov. 2 at 10 a.m. in the Community Room of ECHO. If you or anyone you know might be interested in such a group, please share this information with them.

This group would be set up by and run by social workers for the mutual psychosocial needs of the participants. It would not be to dispense medical advise, but a doctor or a nurse could be invited for a question and answer session if requested. As the disease progresses, and physical energy becomes more limited, social isolation often becomes a major problem for people with Parkinson’s.

There will be no charge, but contributions would be welcome. At the first meeting we will discuss what participants would like included in their group and what time of day they want to meet.

Most support groups last about one hour perhaps 1½ hours.  The expressed wishes and needs of the participants will be foremost in our planning. 

Please email or call if you or someone you know is interested in participating.

Sally Williams Gorrell, LCSW,, (479) 981-1587

PS:  Drive to the back of the ECHO parking lot to enter the Community Room.


  1. Will you please add me to your contact list. I was unable to make it to the first meeting last wed. My name is Don Shafer, e mail address is and telephone no. is 479-253-5443 I have been diagnosed with PD about 1and 1/2 years ago. I live in Holiday Island. thank you.

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