Parking ticket costs a lot


Mr. Mayor,

I congratulate you on the efficiency of your city employees during our recent stay in Eureka Springs. In the five minutes it took me to take our luggage from our car and check into the Palace Hotel, I received the enclosed parking ticket. Despite the hotel’s instructions to park in front of the hotel to check in, with instructions on where to find the hotel’s reserved parking (you may be aware that the hotel has parking on Cushing St., far downhill from the front entrance) your vigilant parking enforcement officer saw to it to provide a wonderful welcome to your city. I actually saw the officer on the street as we drove by, looking for the hotel, and the manager reported that he had been lurking on the street that entire afternoon. I’m sure he actually saw me drive up to the hotel and remover our luggage.

The front of the Palace has yellow markings along the curb, the Loading Zone is clearly marked on the sidewalk, but the curb is about two feet high and there is no similar writing facing the street and nothing readily visible from the street. Not seeing the marking, I parked just past the zone’s marking and don’t think I was even in the parking space (my car is small).

I have enclosed copies of receipts from the money spent on our visit. This was my wife’s and my anniversary vacation, the first we have had since the last of our children left home. Your officer’s welcome gives us pause to think twice before returning to spend tourism dollars in Eureka Springs, and we are certainly not going to follow up on our idea to invite other couples in our supper club to spend a weekend with you as the holiday season approaches. Consider the $1000 we spent and multiply by 3 (and more) and ask whether or not this officer served your city well. I have sent my fine to your police. Maybe you can put it to use painting the Loading Zone on the street-side of the curb in front of the hotel.

Dr. A.J. Zolten

Little Rock


  1. This is sad…..but frankly, Palace Hotel should have offered to take care of the ticket. Also, the PD should explain why they are hanging around, awaiting the opportunity to give out tickets.

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