Paranormal tour owners respond to allegations


Nicky Boyette – Steve Arnold and Charles Mowrey, co-owners of the tour business Haunted Eureka Springs, responded in the Planning Commission’s Public Comments last Tuesday to testimony made in previous meetings by residents on Eureka Street about the impact of their tours. The tours are referred to in advertising as “paranormal and historic tours.”

It has been residents near Penn Castle who have complained to city council and Planning that customers on the tours leave the van late at night with flashlights and walk not only up to Penn Castle and peer inside, but onto neighboring properties. Mowrey stated he would fire tour operators who allowed what some of the neighbors have claimed.

Arnold told commissioners their business has a valid license just like other tour operators in town. They no longer enter Penn Castle and are generally out of the neighborhood by 9:30 p.m. He stated Penn Castle is the most historic house in the town’s registry, and the tour is far better if customers can walk up to it rather than see it from a van. He said they intend to follow the law, but their goal is to give customers the best value.

Arnold mentioned they have earlier tours, but customers seem to prefer the late tours. He encouraged anyone with questions to email him at or call (479) 310-5266.

Mowrey expressed concern about a possible moratorium on tours. He claimed a moratorium might have unanticipated effects on other tour businesses or services.

Commissioners agreed sections in City Code regarding tour homes is one of the topics they must address along with different aspects of B&Bs and tourist lodgings, as well as RV parks. They decided to begin work on these issues by convening a workshop at 5 p.m. before the May 24 regular meeting.

Next meeting will be Tuesday, May 24, at 6 p.m. The meeting will be preceded by a workshop at 5 p.m. to discuss updating sections of City Code.