Ordinances fast-tracked


In Feb. 8 council business, April Griffith was unanimously appointed to the Hospital Commission, replacing the position vacated by Dr. John House. Griffith is the Carnegie Library director.

Ord. 2302 was approved, (5-1) alderman Terry McClung opposed due to his claim that this was “Spot Zoning,” to amend zoning of real property at 38 Prospect from R-1 Victorian Residential to C-3 Quiet Commercial.

Ord. 2303 was unanimously approved in two back-to-back readings, suspending the rules, to amend the zoning of real property at 44 Armstrong from R-1 Victorian Residential to C-1 Victorian Commercial.

Ord. 2304 was unanimously approved in back-to-back readings, suspending the rules, to amend the zoning of real property located at 46 Armstrong Street from R-1 Victorian Residential to C-1 Victorian Commercial.

Council unanimously approved Ord. 2305 to accept a new subdivision into the city to be known as Pine Crest Subdivision, as the Julian J. Gustin Trust has complied with requirements of Title 15 which governs the creation of city subdivisions. The subdivision contains 9.2 acres off of Pivot Rock road and will be added to the city’s roads and utilities. Council suspended the rules and approved the ordinance in three readings, invoking the emergency clause.

Council approved Ord. 2306 to vacate the Eastern half of an alley south of Paxos in Freeman addition Block 3.

Vaccines scheduled to arrive

Mayor Butch Berry said that beginning Feb. 15, Eureka Springs will receive 400 doses of Covid-19 vaccinations weekly. He said this information came from the Arkansas Department of Health but followed that up with, “Of course this is what we’ve been told, but don’t hold your breath, we’ll still see what happens.”

Berry also stated the solid waste rates are going up by 3.5 percent, or an average rate increase of 47 cents.

Discussion of the East Mountain and Pivot Rock Rd. sidewalks/bike paths was deferred to the next meeting.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 22 at 6 p.m. in the AUD with a workshop preceding it at 5:15.