Oppose division



Donald Trump was made president by the Electoral College while a majority of voters opposed his election. In the first few days of office he ramrodded his personal agenda forward showing complete disdain for those who have disagreed with him. He has shown an eagerness to tear the nation apart on every issue, without regard to our people, the differences between us, or the damages he inflicts, at home or abroad.

He claims to be a builder. He puts his name at the top of tall buildings but has never built anything without tearing down first. That’s exactly what he’s doing to us. If he was morally capable of leading this nation, he would work to bring us together, not rip us further apart.

All of this fits his classic style. When he wanted to build his Trump Tower in New York City, the historic Bonwit Teller building stood in the way. When the public showed concern for the huge sculptures engraved in the sides, he had them jackhammered and destroyed in the night. Is that not what he’s doing to us?

Americans have a tradition of peacefully working to settle issues through compassion and compromise. Trump has already proven himself to be a megalomaniac. I ask every elected representative and every citizen to oppose Donald J. Trump on every front.

Doug Stowe