Open letter to Republican leaders of the U.S. House, U.S. Senate, and the White House


Even though I did not vote for any of you, I know and trust that those who did, did so with the expectation that you would uphold the highest of values, not only for our country, but also for the world – and most especially for our children.

Our children are our future and they look up to world leaders as their role models. It is with much sadness, fear and outrage that I watch all of you (along with the people inside the White House) promote, confirm, and vote for individuals who are liars, thieves, hypocrites, hate mongers, bullies, and power grabbers.

To be specific, those people would be 45 himself, Mike Pence, Jeff Sessions, Scott Pruitt, Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, Steve Bannon, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Steve Mnuchin, Tom Price, Reince Priebus, Carl Icahn, and Ben Carson.

The latest in this long list of abominations is Mr. Gorsuch himself who turns out to be a plagiarist, among other things. In other words he is not only a thief but a liar as well. Thanks to your actions, our children will grow up thinking it is perfectly fine to lie, cheat, bully and denigrate others, and steal. Congratulations – your parents must be extremely ashamed of you. I know I am.

Kathy Martone and Gary Taub, Ph.D.